Client Interviews
What’s This?
Client interviews are a deeper dive into the experience of an individual client.
The purpose of these interviews is to connect with each individual client on; Why did they seek out the experience of an intuitive bodywork session, how did their experience shift perspectives in their lives and with their body, and what was the impact on their overall wellbeing and holistic self? I am offering these more in-depth conversations in interview format to highlight the variety of experiences available when we support our body through a holistic approach, including intuitive bodywork.
Plus, it is so fun to read the words and journeys of others!
Emily Hall
“Emily gave me to myself. She picked me up, dusted me off, showed me to me and then handed me back to myself.”
- K.B., Client, Individual Sessions
Q: What were the circumstances or challenges that prompted you to reach out for a session? Was there an experience in life you were hoping to solve? (ie. health concerns, relationships, job, spiritual curiosity)
A: I was seeking greater insight on what this human experience is and how to navigate it more comfortably and with less fear, or with fear as an appropriately sized side dish rather than the main course. I have struggled with fear of death in particular, and just lived daily with a strong sense of "I am not OK." I lived in extremes, dragged around by my thoughts and emotions with nothing to anchor me. I had spent a very small amount of time in conventional therapy with a handful of therapists and felt that, while these were pleasant sessions, I wasn't really healing or shifting anything that was stuck. I had also become a wife and mother, which pushed HARD on all of my fear, anxiety and inadequacy buttons. Right away, Emily taught me grounding, which had an immediate, positive and profound effect on my anxiety. And I had visited maybe a one or two times before I lost my eye sight in one eye for a full week. This was a terrifying experience and, after a visit to an optic neurologist to rule out MS, it was concluded that the cause was extreme stress and anxiety. I was in crisis. I lost 10 pounds in five days and was incapacitated with the fear that I had MS or a brain tumor. It was not a family member or a medical doctor who saved me. It was Emily. She took my hand and showed me the way. This was my lesson in how the body will absolutely let you know what's up, and that message will grow louder and louder until you heed it. Now I go to see Emily whenever things just aren't clicking in my life, or my efforts to move through a particular experience are proving frustrating or confusing or scary.
“I feel that after a session I just have a clearer view.”
- V.M., Client, Individual Sessions
Q: Please describe any shifts you noticed in your awareness and feelings before and after our work together?
A: The first session I think I came mostly because I was curious - I had met Emily socially and knew she had something really special about her and wanted to know more about the way she used her gifts in a professional way. That session was SO amazing and insightful - I was in a big place of transitioning from one profession to another and that meeting with Emily helped me see that I was on the right track even if the road was difficult at the moment I was reassured that I was doing what I should be doing. Since that first visit I've seen her for everything from pregnancy concerns, to navigating parenting with my husband, to professional clarity, to creative insight.
Photo Credit: www.jennings.photo | Natalie Jennings
“I find myself embracing life more with joy and love. I do not feel afraid to try new things.”
- C.F., Client, Individual Sessions
Q: What were the circumstances or challenges that prompted you to reach out for a session? Was there an experience in life you were hoping to solve? (ie. health concerns, relationships, job, spiritual curiosity)
A: My friend, referred me to you. He knows I believe in holistic medicine/healing and he knew we would be a great fit.
“I was feeling stuck in every aspect of my life.”
- J.B., Client, Individual Sessions
Q: What were the circumstances or challenges that prompted you to reach out for a session? Was there an experience in life you were hoping to solve? (ie. health concerns, relationships, job, spiritual curiosity)
A: I first met Emily when I was feeling stuck in every aspect of my life. I was not finding the relationship partner that I felt I was ready for, I was not sure I was in the right career, and I was struggling with friendships, as well as what I really believed spiritually. I was in a very long tern relationship for 8 years that did not end well and since 2005 I was dating very unavailable men and would stay too long in that unhealthy relationship. I had also felt that I had gone through some trauma but could not identify what really happened. I was at a place where I just felt stuck and wasn't sure where to go next.
Photo Credit: www.jennings.photo | Natalie Jennings
“Now, I think things are a little more fluid in life…”
- A.B., Client, Individual Sessions
Q: What were the circumstances or challenges that prompted you to reach out for your initial session? Was there an experience in life you were hoping to solve? (ie. health concerns, relationships, job, spiritual curiosity)
A: I had heard about Emily for at least a few months via friends - everyone raved about how "amazing she is and that while it was difficult to explain" I understood your ‘service’ to be something of a hybrid between Reiki and psychic. I have been open and interested in trying new energy work, bodywork, whatever it might be over the years partially out of curiosity and partially out of wanting to increase my own understanding of how people think and work and support in these realms. At the time that I actually pulled the trigger to meet with you, it was because I knew that I was coming up on some big decisions. I had made a big career change about a year prior from, and now within a year I had found myself immensely happy with the change but immensely disappointed with what I was doing in my new job. I wanted to make the “right” next move and to make sure I understood why and what I was looking for next. I also knew I had been emotionally in and out of my 2 year relationship and wanted to get a better understanding of how to approach that - I knew I felt stuck in it at the time but wasn’t sure if it was because I just “couldn’t commit” or if it was the “wrong relationship” - at least, that was my context for thinking about a/the relationship at the time. Now, I think things are a little more fluid in life :).