“Emily helped me to reconnect and find balance again.”
- S.V., Client, Individual Sessions
“After two years on a treadmill of doctors’ appointments, diagnoses, and surgeries, I was beginning to feel like my body wasn’t my own. I was disconnected and felt like I had very little control over what was happening to me. That all began to shift when I met with Emily, and in her gentle and caring way, she urged me listen to my body again. She offered suggestions on diet, herbal remedies, and meditation that all helped me to reconnect and find balance again. I am so very grateful for her guidance, wisdom and support! I would recommend Emily to anyone interested in taking a holistic approach to their health and wellness.”
“I was blown away by what Emily could tell me about myself before I said a word. In a single session, she was able to interpret what my body had been trying to tell me for years. She helped me understand the connection between my mind, my spirit, and my deep emotional and physical injuries, and she taught me techniques–some fast and easy, some more demanding–toward healing them. I left my first session feeling empowered and reinvented, and actually, like the person I know I am but haven’t truly been before. What Emily does is really amazing work, and I believe all people can benefit from her gifts and her guidance.”
“I was blown away by what Emily could tell me about myself...”
— C.H., Client
“Working with Emily, I quickly found a gifted and giving practitioner.”
— M.D., Client
“Facing certain blocks in life and having the insight, passion and courage to learn about them, and navigate through them has always been in the forefront of my own personal journey. As we all are each others guides in this life, I am very interested in reaching out to others for guidance in traveling on this path. Working with Emily, I quickly found a gifted and giving practitioner. She is an empowered listener in ways that seem unfathomable to most, yet there is such beauty in the simplicity of her work. I highly recommend reaching out to Emily, if you are interested in learning more about your body’s wisdom and that intricate connectedness of mind, body and spirit.”
“Emily has a unique approach that is extremely calming, yet highly attentive. She has a wonderful ability to translate the messages of another being in words they understand and images that make sense to that particular person. Some of these revelations feel like major breakthroughs, while others feel like clarifications of ideas, feelings and concepts that I have known deep down inside for many years…yet not able to understand them in such a clear, simple and truthful manner.”
“If I had to pick a single word to describe my time with Emily, it would be ‘impactful.’”
— T.M., Client
Photo Credit: www.jennings.photo | Natalie Jennings
“I met with Emily and found peace of mind...”
— C.M., Client
“In the past few months I was feeling overwhelmed and stuck in my life. I was busy, busy, busy, and not feeding something in my soul that needed attention. There was something that I was supposed to be doing with my life, a purpose, and although I felt I was close…I was somehow missing the big picture.
I met with Emily and found peace of mind. She was able to tap into some things that I had been worrying about. We addressed both conscious and unconscious things that were holding me back from achieving my goals. She gave me a way to feel grounded, to slow down and focus inward. Then I was able to connect to my inner hopes and desires, to plant a stake in what I hoped to accomplish and to stand behind my decisions with more confidence because I felt more connected than ever with what I wanted to be doing in my life.”
“By working with Emily, insights into myself and how I can make an impact going forward have come to life. She has helped me understand more the relationship of my physical being to my spiritual self and how they can work together to make my life experience more intentional and more meaningful. Through her gift of connectivity, insight and healing, she truly touches a level within to enable you to live more fully, be more present and connect with your whole self. She has a natural grace, presence, and sense of humbleness as she works with you and unleashes her own passion to take you on your own journey of healing, connectivity and life. Her gifts and passions have made a difference in my own life’s journey and I look forward to each time we spend together. In life there are times where we have this need, desire, passion to discover something more. A need to really identify with what our purpose in life should be, what else is available to us for making a deeper connection to ourselves, the universe and those who surround us in our lives. Emily, through her gifts, will work with you to fill this need from within.”
“By working with Emily, insights into myself and how I can make an impact going forward have come to life...”
— J.N., Client
“In a nutshell, my biggest task with which Emily helped immensely has been calming all fear.”
— K. B., Client
“In a nutshell, my biggest task with which Emily helped immensely has been calming all fear. And I'm thrilled to say that with Emily's help, I am much more comfortable stuffed into this magnificent and wise body doing good work down here on Earth!”
“I am far more calm, compassionate, loving, grounded, courageous, tranquil and authentic version of myself through my work with Emily. I honestly don't know where I'd be without this incredibly healing co-creation that has been one of my life's greatest joys.”
“I am a far more calm, compassionate, loving, grounded, courageous, tranquil and authentic version of myself…”
— K. B., Client
“I feel that after a session I just have a clearer view…”
— V. M., Client
“I feel that after a session I just have a clearer view Before a session I might be swirling a little or seeing too many options, outcomes or choices, after a session I feel much more calm and reassured about my decisions, or have the right questions to ask about the future.”
“She is able to tap directly into your energy - your heart- your SELF - and tell YOU what it is you're asking for, needing, missing, or guide you to embark on that journey you've been thinking about for years.”
"She is able to tap directly into your energy…”
— V. M., Client
“I am much more accountable and empowered than I was…”
— K. V., Client
“I am much more accountable and empowered than I was prior to five years ago and have also realized (while not being perfect at it, of course) the power of gratitude and doing my best to engage lovingly while being firm on what I want and do not want in my life and navigating accordingly.”
My shifts happened immediately after the session with Emily. I remember this sense of calm and peace surrounding my body, mind, and soul. Like I was whole again…It was this really heavy feeling that was lifted. My heart was open.”
“My shifts happened immediately after the session with Emily.”
— J, B. Client
“I feel more ready to face any challenges that come my way.”
— J, B. Client
“I have learned how to release fear and allow more listening from the Universe. I feel so much more at peace with myself, who I am, who I know was always supposed to be, and really feel more ready to face any challenges that come my way.”
Photo Credit: www.jennings.photo | Natalie Jennings
“I walked away from both sessions feeling 100% understood and that alone was wildly impactful for me. Feeling like someone knew what I was going through and genuinely cared, without bias or having to verbally articulate (I don't think I could articulate).”
“I walked away from both sessions feeling 100% understood…”
— M, F. Client
“I had such a trust in my own energy that I knew I’d be able to navigate…”
— A, B. Client
“…And that while the current circumstances weren’t perfect and needed to change, I had such a trust in my own energy that I knew I’d be able to navigate through communicating difficult decisions and big implications (relationship, house, etc), because those seeds were a reflection of mySELF and had their own light - and an abundance of positive, true light - that they’d carry me/inspire me through.”